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Chocolate Monggo, chocolate "People Crazy"

Chocolate (theobrama cacao) is a special hors d'oeuvre and is very popular in the earth. Chocolate was discovered by the Aztec people has become the exclusive food and expensive. Besides, chocolate is also a key ingredient of bread or cake complement the very popular.

Switzerland is a country that is very famous because of the many kinds of variety and delicacy of chocolate products. While Indonesia itself is a producer of cocoa, a key ingredient in the world's third largest cocoa. Many chocolate manufacturers in Europe that use raw materials from Indonesia. Nevertheless there is no genuine Indonesian cacao processing factory which is global.

But if you really are a true chocolate lovers and the curious with the original chocolate delights made in Indonesia, then you are obliged to try the Chocolate Monggo, chocolate made in Jogja. For chocolate enthusiast, dark chocolate of Chocolate Monggo is the best chocolate snack. Chocolate taste really strong and dominant.

According to some people chocolate Monggo taste is very classy, unlike the large factory-made chocolate bars. Dark chocolate is chocolate that is relatively more pure because the lack of such a mixture of milk, caramel, or other spices that taste chocolate is also really original. There was little that was even more bitter taste makes chocolate lovers always want to keep tasting it.

Chocolate Monggo’s name itself comes from the word Monggo, which in Javanese means "please !!!". A word so often uttered by people of Java. But once there was a Brazilian tourist who was so curious about chocolate Monggo, and even tried to find this chocolate manufacturer. The word Monggo in Brazil means a person crazy.

In addition to dark chocolate as a mainstay product, Chocolate Monggo also comes with a sense of the content of cashew nut praline and Caramelo that contains caramel flavor. This growing classy chocolate products with recycled brown paper packaging is unique. Chocolate Monggo is also very nuanced Jogja with pictures Semar and pedicab as cover packaging. Packaging is simple tough but luxurious and very impressive as unique souvenir.

Chocolate Monggo produced handmade or homemade is indeed intended to be a typical souvenir Jogja that have different flavors, impressive exclusive, and classy. Oh yeah, Chocolate Monggo is really no preservatives. Nevertheless this chocolate can stand up to 6 months.

Apart from being a tasty snack, chocolate especially dark chocolate manifold is also beneficial for maintaining heart health, boost immunity, and decreased blood pressure. According to some studies nutritious chocolate also makes a long life, bringing shades of bright, fresh and securities. That's why chocolate is favored by everyone.

Now, to consume dark chocolate, Chocolate Monggo original Jogja is the best choice. You can buy it at the Circle K retail chain, Carrefour, Mirota, shops and souvenirs. Or if you're curious how dark chocolate is made, you can visit …

see the other delicious food : www.kekotaku.com

Chocolate Monggo Production House
Jalan Dalem KG III 978, Purbayan Kota Gede, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(Kotagede market goes south until stuck, then turn left


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