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Oxcart Festival, Creative Contest of "The Bastard"

Ox-carts are a popular means of transportation in the villages of Java in the past. Ox-drawn carts two cows are driven by a driver who in the Java language is usually called a bastard (bajingan). Ox-carts usually painted and decorated in order to have an interesting view.

Oxcart during the past plays an important role as the main mode of transportation among rural farmers in Java. Ox cart drawn by two oxen can carry large amounts role in crop yields, animal feed, fertilizer or the need to the farmers households. Ox-carts to transport an effective, cheap and efficient.

Effective, because cows are generally shared by other farmers used to plow rice fields are also well used for transportation. Cheap because it does not use fuel. Fuel feed cows are usually taken in the cart. Efficient because the ox cart to transport goods or the crops in large numbers. Nevertheless, the weakness is very slow ox carts, animals such as cows instead of horses.

We are no more farmers have, but still there are farmers who still have the ox cart. Understandably, the role of ox-carts had been replaced by equipment that is far more efficient transport, ie truck carrying load faster and stronger, and more. Still, the festival continues to run with the wagon Cow festive.

Since early morning throngs of farmers came with his ox cart. There are more than 100 cart Pakem gathered in the field, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The farmers came with a passion, repainted his ox cart, and ornamentation decorate the cow. This unique event is rarely held.

Oxcart wheel trucks generally use the wheel to be more robust because it carries heavy loads. Roof of the cart using gedeg, or bamboo woven fabric which was then coated with anti-leak plastik. Left and right side walls are made of woven bamboo( gedeg ). The walls of this cart is a place for farmers to be creative. They paint this section with interesting colors. While the front and rear wall left open. The rear part is used for goods transported and the front of the driver drove the cart.

What is interesting in this tradition is about the ox cart driver cart called a bastard. Bastard itself is a rough oath in the Java language but spoken by very unusual people, or Javanese Indonesian people in general. In this festival through the microphone with a loud MC said, "To the thugs who have not signed up, please ... ..."

Participants of the festival and then doing a convoy on the road showing off his cattle wagon appearance. The event was highly entertaining farmers this is not just aimed at choosing the best appearance but also provide festive entertainment to farmers who had been working hard to provide rice and agricultural products for public consumption.

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Ijo Temple, Place with Beautiful Sunset, Flight For Dangerous

Ijo (green)Temple is a temple that is located highest in Yogyakarta. Hindu temple which has beautiful natural panorama of scenery and the exotic of the sunset is a place that must be observed by the pilots when take off and landing at Yogyakarta ..

Ijo Temple situated atop the highest hill in Sewu(Thousand) Mountains area in Yogyakarta. Because in the altitude, of course Ijo Temple has nice scenery. Rice fields and houses, until the town Yogyakarta in the distance. Indeed, one attraction of this place is the scenery sunset really beautiful.

Ijo Temple located in the area known as Shiva Plato, namely the mountainous area south of Prambanan's temples are found. Ijo Temple is situated at an altitude of 410 meters above sea level. From the height of this temple you can enjoy the beauty of natural scenery, Prambanan and Yogyakarta city from the heights. Ijo Temple called because the hill where the temple stands is called "Gumuk green" or green hill

Ijo Temple has 11 pages with staircase with three main temples at the top of the page. By the original temple was built gradually to overcome the existing slope. Many temples are placed on top of a hill because it is adjusted with the Hindu concept that the temple is a symbol of the mountain so that the top of a hill or mountain is a place very close to the gods.

Ijo Temple is a temple complex. This temple complex has 18 structures of existing buildings scattered in the pages of gradually. On top of this page there are three main temples, and chapels (temple attendant). In accordance with the concept of the trinity in Hinduism, three temples accompaniment is estimated as the temple of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. It looks with the discovery of Nandi statues in the temple is located in the middle. Lord Shiva is the bull riding.

The main temple is the most large-sized facing westward, and like other Hindu temples, in this temple there are statues of Durga in the north wall of the temple, statues of Ganesh on the east wall of the temple, and statue of Agastya in the south wall. These statues are stored in the Office of Archeology because it was feared could be stolen.

In Hindu temples there is always some Linga-yoni, which in the temple Ijo found in the main temple. Size large and made of black stone. Until today temple Ijoi still used by Hindus to pray or conduct Hindu rituals. Building styles and decorative possibilities Ijo Temple was built in the same period with the Prambanan Temple.

From the inscriptions found there is a sentence which mentions that Ijo Temple is the hermitage of the Hindu Brahmins. Estimated in the past there were wooden buildings used by the hermit in this temple.

Ijo Temple is located on the highest hill in the east of Yogyakarta Adisucipto Airport. The pilots are about to take off, landing or have to be careful with the position Ijo Temple. Aircraft have to really climb when passing through this temple. It is said that, because this temple, Adisucipto airport runway can not be extended. In addition to a beautiful sunset, you really can see the activities of planes take off and landing on the airport runway.

After satisfying to witness greatness of the past, you can then enjoy the beauty of the natural panorama of hills Ijo Temple. If you are lucky enough, you can watch planes take off or landing at Adisucipto Airport which has led to exactly Runaway Ijo Temple. From this hilltop you can also enjoy the perfect sunset and exotic from a height.

Source: www.kekotaku.com
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Chocolate Monggo, chocolate "People Crazy"

Chocolate (theobrama cacao) is a special hors d'oeuvre and is very popular in the earth. Chocolate was discovered by the Aztec people has become the exclusive food and expensive. Besides, chocolate is also a key ingredient of bread or cake complement the very popular.

Switzerland is a country that is very famous because of the many kinds of variety and delicacy of chocolate products. While Indonesia itself is a producer of cocoa, a key ingredient in the world's third largest cocoa. Many chocolate manufacturers in Europe that use raw materials from Indonesia. Nevertheless there is no genuine Indonesian cacao processing factory which is global.

But if you really are a true chocolate lovers and the curious with the original chocolate delights made in Indonesia, then you are obliged to try the Chocolate Monggo, chocolate made in Jogja. For chocolate enthusiast, dark chocolate of Chocolate Monggo is the best chocolate snack. Chocolate taste really strong and dominant.

According to some people chocolate Monggo taste is very classy, unlike the large factory-made chocolate bars. Dark chocolate is chocolate that is relatively more pure because the lack of such a mixture of milk, caramel, or other spices that taste chocolate is also really original. There was little that was even more bitter taste makes chocolate lovers always want to keep tasting it.

Chocolate Monggo’s name itself comes from the word Monggo, which in Javanese means "please !!!". A word so often uttered by people of Java. But once there was a Brazilian tourist who was so curious about chocolate Monggo, and even tried to find this chocolate manufacturer. The word Monggo in Brazil means a person crazy.

In addition to dark chocolate as a mainstay product, Chocolate Monggo also comes with a sense of the content of cashew nut praline and Caramelo that contains caramel flavor. This growing classy chocolate products with recycled brown paper packaging is unique. Chocolate Monggo is also very nuanced Jogja with pictures Semar and pedicab as cover packaging. Packaging is simple tough but luxurious and very impressive as unique souvenir.

Chocolate Monggo produced handmade or homemade is indeed intended to be a typical souvenir Jogja that have different flavors, impressive exclusive, and classy. Oh yeah, Chocolate Monggo is really no preservatives. Nevertheless this chocolate can stand up to 6 months.

Apart from being a tasty snack, chocolate especially dark chocolate manifold is also beneficial for maintaining heart health, boost immunity, and decreased blood pressure. According to some studies nutritious chocolate also makes a long life, bringing shades of bright, fresh and securities. That's why chocolate is favored by everyone.

Now, to consume dark chocolate, Chocolate Monggo original Jogja is the best choice. You can buy it at the Circle K retail chain, Carrefour, Mirota, shops and souvenirs. Or if you're curious how dark chocolate is made, you can visit …

see the other delicious food : www.kekotaku.com

Chocolate Monggo Production House
Jalan Dalem KG III 978, Purbayan Kota Gede, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(Kotagede market goes south until stuck, then turn left

Sultan Palace Cuisine Restaurants, Bale Raos

Sultan's favorite cooking is the secret recipes of Yogyakarta Palace. But you can sample a variety of delicious cuisine menu in a restaurant Bale Raos. Apart from the various menus of the Sultan's favorite, you can also enjoy a refreshing beer java.

Bale Raos, Sultan cooking, secret recipes, keratin Yogyakarta, Java beer

Sultan Palace is a great kingdom of its existence which still exist today. Kraton has the range of knowledge not possessed by ordinary people. One is a culinary empire that is the delicious food and cuisine.

Of course, the sultan's favorite foods are foods that are high quality and classy. Derived from the best ingredients and use the best ingredients, as well as in cooked by the best chefs of the kingdom.

In general, the Sultan of Yogyakarta favorite dish is cooking the mixture between Java native cuisine with a touch of European cuisine, in this case the Netherlands, because the country was plunged strong influence for hundreds of years.

To enjoy the recipes of this kingdom, you can visit Bale Raos Restaurant, located at Kemagangan Kulon, still belong to the Yogyakarta palace complex. Several of the Sultan's favorite secret recipe can be enjoyed, complete with presentation as well as a variety of explanations about how food is made.

Bale Raos is a restaurant that has a reassuring atmosphere. Located in a quiet location. And far from the hustle of the city. Yogyakarta Palace distinctive decor decorate various parts of the building. Authoritative green paint which is also typical of the palace blends beautifully with yellow gold a majesty.

On the walls of the restaurant there are many sheets of paper containing the signatures of famous people who have eaten here. Indonesia's top artists, and high state officials, and also the artists. While world leaders ever to dine at the Bale Raos, including Prince Charles, Prince Akihito, and Prime Minister of Australia John Howard.

Once arrived, the waiter will lets you choose where to sit. Those with patience will accompany you to choose the menu that is will not be found elsewhere. You can ask for an explanation of the menus if interest to you. There are many types of menus that can be selected as Tomato Soup, Soup Tongue, Red Bean Soup, Duck- Suwar Suwir, Lombok kethok Meats, stews of Piyik and others.

Prior to the main menu comes, Java-style soup that contains vegetables and minced meat will precede the main menu to be ordered. Oh yea, do not forget Java Beer messages. A special drink is not the kind of beer, but have a very similar appearance with beer, soda plus foam that looks refreshing.

Prior to the main menu to come, as the opening menu of soup immediately remedied by the servants. The main menu is a menu that's special. She was made completely with special expertise. Finished eating the main menu, it's time you tasted the appetizer-style palace. There are several kinds of choices, there Prawan Kenes made of banana baked with a thick gravy of coconut, Jadah Manten made of glutinous rice, and others.

As well as it’s delicacy, these foods a la the Sultan also gives a different impression for those who eat it. You feel as if a guest of honor in a dinner banquet with the Sultan of Yogyakarta.

See the other delcious dish: www.kekotaku.com

Bale Raos Restaurant
Jalan Sultan Palace Kemagangan Kulon Indonesia
(Entrance through the junction in the east Ngasem Market)
Phone: +62 274 415550

Sosrowijayan, Indonesia Khaosan Road

Sosrowijayan is a gathering place of tourists from various nations in the world. In addition to lodging prices are cheap, the area that is equivalent to Khaosan Road in Thailand is also providing convenience for tourists, such as rent a car, tour guide, tour, travel, and others.

Sosrowijayan, international tourist village, cheap hotels, cheap lodging, tourist centers, tourist backpacker, kuta bali, Khaosan Road, Thailand

Want to lodging and cheap hotel? Sosrowijayan is the answer. Area is strategically located in the heart of the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Sosrowijayan also very close to Malioboro, the most famous tourist roads in Indonesia. Due to the international tourist area equivalent to Khaosan Road in Thailand, Sosrowijayan also provides various facilities and convenience for tourists.

In addition to cheap lodging, you are also staying at star hotels are widely spread in the region Sosrowijayan. Various facilities are available for the convenience of tourists there as tour guides, travel tours, rent a car, internet shop, and others. Sosrowijayan also popular with backpackers the world because the price of lodgings that are considered very cheap. Backpacker tourist sights are becoming more common in this area.

The usual backpacker staying in cheap inns are numerous in Sosrowijayan. These inns are not visible at a glance resemble houses, but you'll soon know once you read the writing room in front of the house rent. Usually these inns provide adequate facilities for tourists such as bathrooms, shop equipment, and foods.

central international tourists is indeed located at strategic locations. Being in the public transportation routes as city buses and easy to get a taxi. This location is also close to the famous Malioboro shopping center as a souvenir heaven. If you want to get out of Jogja, you can go to the Tugu railway station is just 5 minutes away on foot.

From Sosrowijayan area, just by walking you easily into the Palace of Yogyakarta, Sultan's palace, a vast and filled with buildings typical Javanese style, Arab, European, and Chinese. Prior to the Palace, you can see the splendor of Castle Vredeburg, Dutch Fort which was established to spy on the Yogyakarta Palace.

Prior to the Sultan Palace, you will meet with the Town Square, in this case North Square (a kind of square who also serves as the front page of the Sultan's palace). This plaza had once been used as a place of execution rampogan event, which is a duel between a tiger with a human. For those of you who love the arts, you can go to Jogja Gallery, an art gallery in the north of the square. You also can visit the Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, which is located behind the Fort Vredeburg to view works of art by artists Jogja

Being in the area of foreign tourists is an impressive experience. The equivalent tourist area of Kuta in Bali or Khaosan Road in Thailand will give you many easy day trips

see more information about Yogyakarta/Jogja: www.kekotaku.com

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